Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mounting Shares with Spaces

In linux sometimes you want to mount a windows share that has spaces in the name. This is actualy quite easy, just use \040 in place of the space

//ip.of.server/Home\040Folders/ejh /home/ejh/Documents cifs username=ejh,password=*****,uid=500,gid=500 0 0

Monday, September 22, 2008

Removing SVN folders from a directory

If you need to removing a folder from subversion run the following command

rm -rf `find . -type d -name .svn`

Incorrect DNS Settings Reappearing

I recently moved a virtualized server to a new host machine. In the process its virtual hardware changed, and so its MAC address changed. It got a new address from DHCP correctly and reported it to DNS, but DNS would only hold that information for about 15 minutes before switching back and reporting the old DNS.

After many frustrating hours I decided to check DHCP, and sure enough, DHCP had the old and new leases both with the same host name and was reporting them both to Active Direcotry.

Solution: Simply remove the old lease from DHCP, I'm sure eventualy it would have expired and fixed itself as well.